Youth Group meets twice a month on Sunday’s from 11:30 to 1PM. Pizza, films and discussions related to faith part of the activities. This group is for pre-teens and teens who are in 6th thru 12th grade. They participate in a variety of activities including: Bowling, Escape Room Adventures, swimming, and kayaking.
Youth Missions
Over the last 10 years, our youth have participated in mission work both locally and abroad. Some of the places they have lent their help include: Lake Charles, LA; New Orleans, LA; Ensenaldo, Mexico; Iquitos, Peru; and Coroma, Costa Rica. All trips are arranged through the Diocese of Easton. The youth participate in building churches, homes and bridges. Some of the other activities they run while on their mission trips are: Vacation Bible School, Sports Evangelism, and eye glass clinics with special adjustable lens.