We encourage parishioners to actively participate in our worship. There are many opportunities to help during our Sunday services, and on special occasions. New participants in these roles are always welcome.
Acolytes: Acolytes assist the priest during the service. There are different duties for acolytes – one will carry the processional cross, two others carry torches, and one helps to prepare the table for communion. Beginning in the second grade, any member is welcome to train as an acolyte.
Altar Guild: Members of the altar guild prepare the altar for the Eucharist. They are responsible for cleaning the linens and the priests’ vestments, pouring the wine and preparing the bread. This is an excellent ministry for those who want to do important work for the church, and yet, would prefer to remain in the background. Contact(s): Andrea Pugh or Phyllis Doyle
Flower Ministry: Members of this ministry, enjoy decorating the church and altar with seasonal flowers for Palm Sunday, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas services. Fresh floral arrangements for Easter not only adorn the church but also the entrance gates of the graveyard, church doors, and walkway between the church and Vestry House. Funds for flowers are donated at both Christmas and Easter. In addition, some members deliver altar flowers to shut-ins and those in need. Contact: Nancy Ball
The Choir at St. Mary Anne’s organizes and sings for both Advent/Christmas and Holy Week/Easter.
Lectors: Have the ministry of proclaiming the Scriptures during the liturgies. We welcome lectors of all ages. Contact: Parish Administrator
Ushers: Ministers of hospitality who greet the members, hand out bulletins, collect the offering, and assist people to the communion rail. Contact: Chris Inmon