Jesus opened his arms to all people: The blind, lame, ill and hopeless. As His body, the Episcopal Church as a whole, has committed itself to doing the same. With that goal, our parish recently formed a new committee focused on meeting the special needs of the differently abled within our parish. If you, or someone you know, struggles with a special circumstance involving a disability (physical or otherwise) that might make parish participation difficult, please let the office, Father John or Rachelan Griffin know. If you are interested in taking part in this ministry, or serving on the Special Needs Committee, please contact Rachelan or the church office. Together, we can make sure our church doors are opened as wide as Christ’s arms.
BLESSING, LOVING EUCHARISTIC SENSORY-SAFE (B.L.E.S.S) SERVICES are a special type of worship service, designed for the Developmentally Disabled/Sensory Needs/Autism Spectrum individual. B.L.E.S.S Services are meant to make church accessible to all of our sensory-challenge friends. Based around the “Rhythms of Grace” curriculum, the service features a multi-sensory Bible story, hands-on sensory experiences that make Bible lessons come to life, times of quiet musical expression, and a GFCF Communion service. There will be a quiet “cool-down” corner available throughout the service, and a GFCF allergy-friendly fellowship time to follow.
The service is open to all members of the community who wish to worship in a low-impact, sensory-safe environment, while sharing a time to worship, Eucharist and fellowship with neurotypical family and friends, in a welcoming and joyful environment. The worship space, the Parish Hall, is handicapped accessible, and friends of all ages are welcome. If you would like to attend, please contact the SMA church office for details, and to reserve your spot.