Bishop San sent his pastoral directive on Wednesday in which he authorized Diocesan churches the ability to worship with ten or under parishioners beginning this Sunday. The Bishop gives each rector the discretion to make the decision to allow up to 10 worshippers in the church if we choose.
The Vestry and I believe this ten person limitation is disheartening and precludes a significant number of parishioners from meaningful in-person worship. Therefore, we decided that until the Bishop allows a larger gathering, we will remain closed for in-person worship and proceed as we have for the past few weeks.
Like the Bishop, we remain concerned about this virus and care about your safety; especially since, the virus positivity rate is rising in our county.
We will record our services and continue to post them to our YouTube channel. I will also record a Wednesday morning prayer service during this time. I pray you understand this course of action.
Let us pray that the vaccines will thwart this virus, those affected will return to good health, and we will soon worship together. I will keep you updated about any changes.
Fr. John